Superbike Factory

Chill out spot ..........

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Superbike Factory

Post by John » Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:57 am

well where to start hmmmmmm ......

How about this
report1.jpg (202.58 KiB) Viewed 34093 times
Methinks this is exactly my cup of tea, so I click all the right buttons ..... and paid the required 99 pound reservation fee. That was a Sunday.
Monday asked them to update the numbers because they had included 240 for transport, I wanted
to do the delivery because I know and trust them.
Paid the full balance on the Wednesday fully expecting the bike to be ready for collection by the weekend or early the following week.
Having heard nothing by the following week I called, asking for a date as I had to arrange collection.
I was informed that I was not allowed to arrange my own collection and that I would have to pay for delivery, which I did, now reduced to 120 pounds.

Long story short ...... 3 weeks later, after several calls by me and emails to their company directors I still have no idea when or even if I will receive the bike. Nobody at Superbike factory knows. Apparently somebody lost the keys and they are waiting for new ones.

Everybody knows that shit can happen, even to the best laid plan, but the Gold standard in customer service is keeping your customer informed.

The only calls I have received from Superbike Factory were after I contact their Operations Director, Guy Burgess, and then it was to only to tell me that it was a priority and they had no idea when I would get the bike. The point was made that the delay was nothing to do with them because they were waiting for parts - the fact that they lost the keys in the first place, then offered the bike for sale knowing there were no keys and then not ordering new keys until the bike was sold was in fact my fault ..... probably, but definitely not theirs.

3 weeks have passed ..... no information at all.

I have since found a similar bike at a similar price at dealer close to Superbike Factory. When I asked them " if I order the bike today, when can I pick it up ? " answer was 48 hrs.
Called Superbike Factory and asked for my money back - No problem they said will get on it next week sometime and it will be 7 days before the money is on your account ....... or in other words, Fuck off, you are not getting anything back.

But it doesn' t end there lolol
You will notice on pic 1 that the mileage is stated as 6185 miles and note that the bike has bar end mirrors and no screen.

On day 2 when they told me to log onto their customer portal to keep abreast of what is happening I couldn't help but notice that the bike now had only 4286 miles on it, standard mirrors, a fly screen and a full set of keys.
report 2.jpg
report 2.jpg (77.37 KiB) Viewed 34092 times

report3.JPG (190.18 KiB) Viewed 34092 times
Deduction here is that the pictures they are using to sell the bike are from when they sold the bike the last time a year or so ago and are not current and are, in the literal sense ........ sale by deception or Fraud

As week 4 of no information is about to begin .... :dd I made a call and told them I will either have my money on my account or the bike in my driveway on Monday. After that I will be looking at recovery my costs that will include a lawyer.

Interesting times

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Re: Superbike Factory

Post by John » Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:59 pm

latest news...... just paid deposit for ..... so whichever way it goes, bike in the house soon
york8.jpg (169.77 KiB) Viewed 34089 times

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Re: Superbike Factory

Post by John » Tue Jun 07, 2022 10:46 am

Well the latest news is .................

I received loads of messages telling that the bike has been in the workshop for all its final stuff, has been MOT'd and is ready to be handed over for delivery.

Their manager Andrew Park tells me that the bike will be delivered by SOS Motorcycle Recovery on thursday / friday this week, ie within 4 days which I accepeted. I have cancelled my order with York Motorbikes and have lost the 100 pounds deposit.

This morning I contacted SOS Motorcycle Recovery who tell me there have been no communications with Superbike factory, my bike has not been booked in for collection and even if it had, I would not get it for at least another 10 days.
Just checked the GOV website and it says the bike is NOT MOT'd.

Just for clarify it is now day 23 since I bought the bike.

Watch this space ................

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Re: Superbike Factory

Post by John » Thu Jun 09, 2022 5:00 pm

Why am I not surprised ...........

After all the huffing and puffing about a Thursday / Friday delivery. just been told on the phone that due to unforseen circumstances, that's not going to happen.

25 days now ..................... :wall

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Re: Superbike Factory

Post by John » Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:41 am

Just had an email from Superbike factory saying delivery Saturday morning (day 27) but have heard nothing from the delivery company that would confirm this.

Will believe it when I see it is about the best comment I can muster.

Just had an email asking me to rate my experience with Superbike Factory ....... someone is having a laugh.

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Re: Superbike Factory

Post by John » Fri Jun 10, 2022 3:20 pm

If someone was planning on delivering a motorcycle on Saturday morning, you would think they would contact the receiver before hand to ensure somebody would actually be in.

Bit of a long journey from mid England to Scotland only to have to take it back eh ....

Just saying like ......................... Friday evening and nothing

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Re: Superbike Factory

Post by John » Tue Jun 21, 2022 7:19 pm

Well ....... it did arrive.

28 days from buying to delivery ............ would I do it again ? you guess .........
new bike arrived.JPG
new bike arrived.JPG (296.17 KiB) Viewed 33762 times

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